Friday, 8 June 2012

University: Weeks 11-14

MAN. What a tiring couple of weeks it's been! Honest to god, I've had my fair share of crazy and I've practically done nothing but work on assignments and work at work and very little time roleplaying. But now, it's all over. As of today, I have officially finished my first semester of university! Yeah!! And now, I can slip into 7 weeks of holiday bliss where I can do nothing but game, hang with friends and play more games (and probably work too). Yeah, it's gonna be fantastic.

So, let me just recap everything!

First's first, my Animation Methodologies essay is all handed in. There's not much really to say about that without boring you with theory, so pressing on...

Burned to a CD and 500 words later, Digital Media is also all handed in! If you haven't been reading, that one was where we had to make our own video of anything (which was annoying). Of course, I won't include the 500 words but you can check out my awesome video below! Okay, maybe not completely awesome and perhaps a little quirky but I definitely liked the finish product!

Drawing for Design was ... phew! Though I had a lot of the drawings down, I had to draw about a million and a half bikes, which was INCREDIBLY PAINFUL. Drawing one bike is hard enough, but to draw twenty?! Thirty?! No thank you. I did it anyway and some of the things, including the animation, just... I was almost crying because how well it turned out despite my crappy light box (it was seriously my laptop light with paper over it).

That wasn't all of my drawings, but I think if I included them all, I'd probably kill everyone's bandwidth.

And Visual Communication? Well, I had to create a booklet for that and honestly, it turned out so awesome. If printing it didn't cost $16, I would have printed out like 4 or 5. Because I loved how it turned out so much and how the girl at Officeworks thermally bound it and how the whole layout just... worked! It was just awesome.

If I can, I may try to upload the full PDF later. For now, let's just stick with some cool sneak peeks from it;

Yeah! There was more, like nets of my packaging and actual layout but this is the stuff worth showing for the time being. I actually really like the vector of the glasses and the device, I was a little sad I forgot to save it in Illustrator (I still have a lame low-res raster in inDesign, which is what this is. Though, when I look at it, the quality seems pretty alright!).

So, now this is all over, I've bought Diablo 3. So I can play that and see what all the fuss is about.

You know, something I've never shared is my gamertags and details, so I'll do that now and stick them in my 'about me' section. I've got a few, but I'm mainly PSN based thanks to my Vita.
PSN: Maddaye
XBLA: Maddaye
Steam: psn_maddaye Skymin#6323
If you do happen to add me, make sure you attach a message of some kind saying who you are because I will most likely decline if you don't! I've also got Minecraft as well!

Today's song; Over the Hill - Bearhug

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