Saturday 21 January 2012

An actual ‘art blog’

That’s what this is going to be. This is going to be an actual place where I will actually update art on a daily/weekly/monthly/whatever-I-want-it-to-be basis. I want to try and have at least one artwork per post and talk about my stuff, as opposed to just mindlessly writing stuff. Which I tend to do on my tumblr account.

In other news, this drawing right here is blown right up, about 400% of what it’s meant to be. I love to play with colour, its one of my favourite things to do. I want to see this colour, put my hands into it, really get into it. I can’t do that too much with a computer screen, but by having it so enormous you can see the strokes and stuff.

Okay, I’ll stop blabbing and stuff before I start puking rainbows. In any case, this is Oakley, a recurring character of mine who has such an adorable face.